JustGiving® from Blackbaud

Raise more money and reach new supporters with JustGiving® from Blackbaud.

Online fundraising for the next generation

JustGiving® from Blackbaud is the world’s leading social giving platform that empowers supporters to fundraise for your cause and grow support for your organisation.

Get started with the same powerful tools that have helped raise billions for nonprofits around the world, all with no subscription costs, set up costs, or requirement to manage or pay third-party payment providers.

Raise more money and reach new supporters.

  • Engage your existing supporter base with mobile-friendly, socially-integrated fundraising tools.

  • Enable individual or team DIY fundraising, In Memory giving and community-based fundraising campaigns.

  • Attract new audiences through innovative, cutting-edge fundraising campaigns, such as virtual fitness events and livestreaming.

  • Empower your supporters with best in-market social media integration and social sharing to amplify your supporters reach.

  • Ensure your organisation remains compliant with first-rate security, compliance, and fraud protection.

  • Built-in, streamlined payment gateway: no need to sign up with separate payment providers or take on additional 3rd party liabilities.

  • Provide your donors with mobile wallet payment options like Google Pay and Apple Pay, plus the ability to store their credit card for future donations.

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Launch integrated campaigns quickly and easily.

  • Enjoy built-in integrations with the tools you already use, like Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT® and Blackbaud eTapestry®.

  • Leverage open APIs to automate the data flow between your CRM of choice to extend your social fundraising portfolio.

  • Built inside the world’s number one social good ecosystem, JustGiving from Blackbaud enables anyone on your team to design and export flexible custom reports, any time you need them.

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Supercharge your fundraising

Looking for even more of a customised experience for your fundraisers and donors? Our team of peer-to-peer experts can help. Partner with our team of experts to create custom campaign landing pages, multi-page fundraising microsites, and do-it-yourself Community Fundraising Hubs that your supporters will love.

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